Wednesday, 8 December 2010

My stand at ELDS 2010

So the show ran for three full days, with a private view on the Thursday night. 

I must say that although I normally stand up all day in the workshop, at the end of an eight hour day in front of my stand, my back was killing me!  I must have looked an older man than I actually am as I walked down the road towards the tube station, and then struggled to sit down on the train.

Although the weather was cold, there was good attendance at the show. Of course wanting to look my best in front of all the public, I could not risk wearing a hat on my way to the show in morning as my hair would get messed up and be sticking up all over the place. I never realised I was that vain.

Here is a picture of my stand this year.

In addition to having just furniture on my stand, I also had a number of different boxes for sale (jewellery boxes, pencil boxes, champagne boxes).  I am pleased to say I sold a good fair number. It does make the day more pleasant to sell something!

I am back in the workshop now making a blanket chest. This I hope will be one of the items in my next show.  For details of my upcoming shows, check out the 'Exhibitons' page on my website.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

It was the night before....

....not Christmas (but could be with all the snow we have had - even in London), but the start of the East London Design Show.

Yes, once again this year I am doing the show. I have been setting up my stand today in good time for tomorrow's opening at 18:00 (private view). Then three full days of standing in front of my stand talking about the work. If I had a Twitter account, I could tweet. But I don't. So I won't.

I have also updated my website to list the shows I am is now in a new table called 'Exhibitions'. Funny that!!

Watch this space for news of the show!